Hello everyone! Today is my first wedding post! and I couldn’t ask for a better way to start other than talking about Rami and Andy’s wedding. It was 2 days full of excitement and energy.
A’right! Day one was the Ceremony day and Andy and Rami were getting ready for the ceremony.
the details were so colorful and elegant
And the bride was getting ready for the ceremony!
The groom was also getting ready on the other side,
Caught the groom having coldfeet, thankfully things were settled before it got out of control. (joking!!)
Fast forward to the ceremony, and Sikh weddings are usually fruitful and eventful.
The part that stood out the most for me, was The Lavaan.
After The Lavaan, the ceremony was done.
After the ceremony, everyone gathers at the parent’s house for an emotional session called Doli.
Then it was time for the couple to take some pictures as Husband and wife.
And now Reception time!!
Andy and Rami, I wish you guys the best in everything. I had such a great time being part of you’re wedding and I felt like I was there as a friend rather than a photographer. Thank you again, and I wish you the best in the new upcoming chapter!