Vantanna and Keith wedding in Jasper Alberta Photos and video

People think that wedding photography is a hectic profession. I believe that when there is an interest in something, we start loving that. Same is the case with me. I capture people’s emotion, their precious moments through my photography skills. But somewhere I feel attached to them through those photos. It is all because of the thing that I prefer to meet with the couple before the wedding. The ideas we discuss make things less complicated. Although all the couples are under stress and nervousness before the wedding. Like how the wedding will be how it is going to be unique. But, when we meet, share a cup of coffee, we become kind of friends. If I say according to the experience of a wedding photographer, this kind of chit-chat is essential. The more the couple will be comfortable to a photographer, the more beautiful clicks they give. Vantanna and Keith wedding in Jasper, Alberta Photos and video depict how comfortable they were and enjoyed the wedding.

My experience as a wedding photographer

As a wedding photographer, I think it is my responsibility to share my experience. I believe my experience counts a lot to those who are planning for their wedding photography. Experience of a wedding photographer takes you to the point. Where you can easily decide like how the things will be carried out. Like I want to share one of the best things that happened to me.

Vantanna and Keith, a couple met me for their wedding photoshoot. They showed their interest in wedding clicks at natural places and close to history. What the first thing came to my mind? It was that this photoshoot is going to be the best if it clicked at capital Edmonton. I think having a cup of coffee with someone let you be open to them. It happened to me. They showed their interest in  Jasper. And yeah, the beautiful couple was right. It allowed me to click the best photos of my wedding photography career.

Vantanna and Keith wedding in Jasper, Alberta Photos and video

So, the journey started with a cup of coffee but ended on precious moments and marvelous clicks. I would say this couple cooperated a lot. And when the cooperation, beautiful natural place, and photographer are in harmony then comes the awesome clicks. When they asked me to click for them in Jasper. I was happy. As japer is famous for starry nights. The milky way theme-based wedding photography was my passion. And I thought this is the golden chance to bring my mind ideas to reality. I started imagining them in different poses. What I was not aware that both of them were one step forward. I would like to advice one thing to every couple, if they think about the poses which bring them happiness, they will give the perfect clicks. Here I would like to share all the factors which made Vantanna and Keith wedding, a memorable one.

Some more factors which made their wedding memorable

When I met with Vantanna and Keith, I knew that they are going to have a charming wedding! But what I didn’t know, that Vantanna has a beautiful and elegant voice, and Keith…. well, he’s a ROCKSTAR! I was so honored to be part of their wedding day. We all felt very welcome! I will let you guys enjoy the highlight video that I made for them and enjoy the pictures afterward! After looking at their photos, you guys will come to one reality. And that is their natural poses. They let their happiness and emotions visible to everyone. They did not take the stress and smiled. Yeah, the smile it made their wedding the beautiful, elegant and enjoyable to their guests as well. In the end, I would like to thank them for considering all my guidelines and my ideas. Wedding photography completes only when couple and photographer, both are satisfied.

Thank you, Keith and Vantanna for everything!

Friendly wedding photoshoots are the best one

If you want for a fun photoshoot without glamorous or tiring poses. MH photography is best in this regard. In Canada and for foreign wedding photographic shoots contact us I would love to listen to your ideas and to help you in achieving your desired poses.